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Students have the opportunity to conduct international research in their area of study. Fellowships and scholarships are available to help fund these international research experiences.

Apply if: you are an undergraduate or graduate student

  • For applicants who are interested in studying a foreign language for 7 to 10 weeks during the summer.
  • Students of diverse disciplines and majors are encouraged to apply.
  • The languages are Azerbaijani, Bangla/Bengali, Hindi, Indonesian, Korean, Punjabi, Turkish, Urdu, Arabic, Pursian, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian.

Apply if: you are a undergraduate or graduate student

  • For applicants who are interested in studying in Germany
  • Undergraduates can receive funding for 4-10 months of study, research, or internship
  • Graduate students can receive funding in social sciences, hard sciences, or professional areas

Apply if: you are a graduating senior, graduate student, or recent graduate

  • For applicants who are interested in studying, conducting research, or teaching English in another country
  • There Fulbright Program operates in over 155 countries worldwide

Apply if: you are interested in pursuing graduate studies in the United Kingdom

  • For applications who are interested in pursing full-time study of a PhD, Msc or MLitt, or a one year postgraduate course
  • If accepted, applicants are eligible for one to four years of study at Cambridge University

Apply if: you hold a BA and you are interested in conducting research

  • For applicants who are interested in conducting research in their respective field of interest
  • Recipients will be mentored by a host in Germany in their area of expertise

Apply if : you are an undergraduate students who is a Federal Pell Grant recipient

  • For applicants with financial needs who are interested in studying abroad
  • Recipients are encouraged to choose non-traditional study abroad destinations outside of Western Europe, Australia and New Zealand

Apply if: you are a sophomore, junior, senior, or recent graduate

  • For applicants who are interested in exploring discrimination, protecting minorities, and promoting human rights
  • Recipients will travel to Amsterdam, Berlin, Copenhagen, Lyon, or Warsaw
  • Note: this is a 1 month summer program

Apply if: you are a graduating senior or a recent graduate

  • For applicants who want to study for one to three years at any British university for the attainment of a degree
  • Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.7

Apply if: you are a graduating senior or a recent graduate

  • For applicants who are interested in attending one year of graduate school in Ireland
  • Applicants must be less than 30 years old

Apply if: you are a senior or a graduate student

  • For applicants interested in studying at Oxford University in the U. K. for two to three years
  • Applicants must be at least 18 but not yet 24