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Get the health care you need, right here on campus.

The Wellness Center offers a full range of health care services for all Dominican students, whether full time, part time, graduate, undergraduate, resident or commuter. From immunizations and counseling sessions to treatment for flu or strep throat, we鈥檝e got you covered.


The Wellness Center is on the lower level of Coughlin Hall, between the fitness center and the Student Involvement Center. To use the elevator near our entrance, please call security or the Wellness Center at (708) 524-6229.

Regular Hours during the Fall and Spring semesters

Monday through Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm (closed during the noon hour).

We're available for in-person and virtual appointments.

You can schedule an appointment anytime via .

For same day or urgent appointments, call us at 708-524-6229 or come visit us in Coughlin 016 

Summer Hours

惭辞苍诲补测鈥揊谤颈诲补测, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Tuesday and Thursday we offer in-person visits. Telehealth and remote options are available throughout the week. We recommend that you schedule an appointment by calling (708) 524-6229 or through .

Emergencies and After-Hours Care

If you need care when the Wellness Center is closed, contact Dr. Kimberly Harden, our collaborating physician, by calling (708) 660-3900 and asking to page the on-call physician. Other urgent care options are also available. In the event of an emergency, dial 911 from a campus phone.


Basic services, including sick visits and counseling, are covered by your student fees. Charges for tests, labs and procedures beyond the basic services will be applied to your student account. Check our fee schedule for details.


海角社区 maintains and ensures the confidentiality of all Wellness Center consultations and appointments. View our confidentiality policy.

Wellness Center Student Portal

Visit our to submit your immunization records, schedule an appointment, communicate privately with Wellness Center staff members and much more.

Health Insurance

海角社区 recommends that all students have adequate health insurance, but the University does not require you to have insurance, and we do not offer a student health care plan. The Wellness Center can help you explore the options and find an affordable solution.