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Vision Statement

The Music Discipline endeavors to educate informed musicians, who understand the basic principles of their art in theory and practice and develop appreciation for the arts under the umbrella of their Liberal Arts Education. The Music Discipline creates a learning environment where students can engage in analysis, synthesis, critical and creative thinking, and informed decision-making based on music period norms. Through its efforts, the Music Discipline strives to not only help student develop an understanding and appreciation for music, but also to develop the skills that would prepare them for a music career.

Student Learning Goals

Students will develop fundamental tonal music theory skills.

Student Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to:

  • Read tonal music (read pitch names in the bass and treble clefs, identify note and rests values, understand simple and compound meter, accidentals, music articulation terms, intervals, scale degrees, major and minor scales)
  • Apply learned music terminology (complete assignments using pitches in the bass and treble clef, note and rests with the correct values, use music accidentals and articulation terms, simple and compound meters, use scale degrees, work with intervals and use major and minor scales)
  • Compose music (students will start composing small works that reflect the knowledge they learned in the semester)

Student learning outcomes will be evaluated by a rubric that will be completed within the semester of learning. In addition, students will be evaluated regularly in class by the professor through exams (midterm and final) and daily homework assignments.