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In the Willenborg Civic Learning Academy, faculty and staff Fellows create courses and experiences that build student skills in activism, democratic engagement and work for the public good.
Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul and Willenborg Fellow John Vail addressing Professor Vail’s Business Ethics students in October 2019

Willenborg Fellows join our community by proposing courses or co-curricular experiences that:

  • Provide DU students with mentoring and hands-on experiences with professionals and organizations working for social and economic justice,
  • Build students' capacity for open-minded and effective communication about issues of public concern,
  • Further students’ ability to research issues, analyze different points of view, and take informed stands on policy debates, or
  • Allow students to deepen their understanding of how political power, social practices and policies have impacted the sites and people they engage within community-based learning, internships, or study away experiences

In the Willenborg Academy’s community of practice, we work closely with each other, community partners, and student leaders to create those civic learning experiences and provide them to students on a regular basis.