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What is the equipment loan program?

The equipment loan program (ELP) was created as a resource to assist students with technology needs. The ELP is available to be used by current students, as well as, faculty and staff. The ELP provides equipment for short-term loan (5 days) and Title V approved laptop loans (30 days – Title V laptops Only).

How it works

Visit the Support Center in Lewis Hall LL, room 048. Once you enter the Support Center you will be greeted by a knowledgeable advisor who will assist you with a loan. Your Star Card must be presented upon checkout (No other IDs will be accepted).

Equipment is loaned out for 5 days (including weekends). A loan can be renewed for 5 days and up to, but not more than 3 times. A loan can only be renewed if the equipment in your possession is not already reserved to be used by someone else.

Title V equipment loans are allowed for one month and are only available to students. To be approved for a title V loan, you will need to go through the Title V office and receive approval. The Title V office can be emailed at lapetrov@dom.edu and their phone number is (708) 524-6678.

If you need a laptop for longer than one month, please visit the Division of Student Success and Engagement (SSE). The SSE office is located in Crown 100. Their phone number is (708) 524-6941.

When returning equipment, please have all items ready to return in the same condition that they were issued. Your Star Card will be needed when returning equipment as well.

If your loan is about to expire or has expired and you need an extension, call the Support Center at (708) 524-6888 during the hours below or email to supportcenter@dom.edu to renew your loan.