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Data and Knowledge Management Is Good Business

This program incorporates an interdisciplinary approach to the field of data and knowledge management enabling participants to gain the educational background needed to build a career helping organizations capture, manage, preserve, store and deliver information efficiently and effectively in the digital age. Managing digital information, often referred to as digital assets, requires a specialized understanding of the challenges and unique skills including mapping of an organization's knowledge assets, designing and implementing knowledge management systems.

The SOIS Certificate in Data and Knowledge Management provides:

  • A theoretical foundation of knowledge and data management fundamentals, including information policy, knowledge management and informatics 
  • A practical foundation, equipping information professional with the skills necessary to develop services using appropriate technologies to collect, store, analyze, disseminate and preserve knowledge and data.

Students may combine this certificate with other coursework toward the completion of the Master of Professional Studies.

Degree Requirements

The certificate is offered for students currently pursuing an MLIS, MSIM, or MPS at the School of Information Studies (SOIS) or to returning students who want to add the specialization to a completed post-graduate degree. This certificate is also available to students to pursue a post-baccalaureate program. Candidates work in collaboration with a faculty advisor to shape a plan of study. Certificate completion requires 15 graduate credit hours.


Fifteen graduate credit hours, including:

  • LIS 750 Information Storage and Retrieval
  • LIS 880 Knowledge Management
  • LIS 884 Big Data and Competitive Intelligence

Complete two of the following courses:

  • LIS 737 Library and Data Management Systems
  • LIS 749 Crisis Informatics
  • LIS 751 Database Management
  • LIS 754 Systems Analysis and Design
  • LIS 755 Information Policy
  • LIS 758 Community Informatics
  • LIS 768 Social Media and Emerging Technologies
  • LIS 882 Metadata for Digital Resources
  • LIS 886 Records and Information Management
  • LIS 889 Digital Curation
  • LIS 799 Practicum
  • LIS 801 Independent Study in Library and Information Science


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