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The university grants temporary leaves of absence in accordance with the . In addition, the university may grant temporary leaves of absence for military service, educational advancement, or other non-FMLA, personal reasons.

Medical Leave of Absence

A staff member who is employed for at least 12 months and has worked at least 1,250 hours during the 12-month period preceding the requested leave may take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave in accordance with the FMLA guidelines. See the Leave Eligibility section of the Staff handbook for specific information.

Faculty/Faculty Librarians

A request for a leave of absence for medical reasons must be submitted to the Dean of the relevant school as soon as practicable after the faculty member or librarian becomes aware of the need for such a leave. Please consult the Sick Leave section of the  (login required) for schedule of eligibility and additional guidelines. 

Learn more about the Family and Medical Leave Act 

Personal Leave of Absence

For a non-medical leave, staff members must submit a request in writing to their immediate supervisor at least 30 days in advance if the need for the leave is foreseeable, or as soon as the staff member is aware of the circumstances necessitating the leave. Approval from the supervisor and the area vice president are required.


A request for a leave of absence for other than medical reasons must be submitted to the President no later than November 15 of the year preceding the year of leave. A letter from the Provost or the appropriate Dean and the applicants department chair (if applicable) containing a statement regarding the effect of the leave on department staffing should accompany the request.